Writing Exercise

Authors Note: These are some short stories I wrote during a writing exercise. We had to pick a word, and write down the first sentence that Mr. Johnson wrote. Then every few minutes, we had to incorporate the words other people chose into our story. The words that were incorporated are underlined and bolded.

Adjective: Red

Robert walked slowly into the dentist’s office, scared and bewildered by all the ominous machinery.  The sharp metal objects that were soon about to venture into his mouth were rested on a table, and they seemed to be staring at Robert, as if they were mocking him, saying, “you’re next".

Robert slouched into the dentists chair with a very grim and unenthusiastic attitude.  The dentist came in to the office right behind Robert, dressed in all white, except for a pale blue strip of plastic guarding his mouth.

The dentist stuck one of the tools into Robert’s mouth, and pressed down on his chin with extreme pressure.  Robert felt like he was under a dog, the dogs heavy weight crushing down on his chin.

One of the posters had a picture of New York City on it, with the cheesy phrase of, “A BIG Apple a Day Keeps Dentist Away!” written beneath.

“OW!” he screamed, red blood gushing out of his mouth.  

He shrieked in pain, and the dentist gave him a very unpleasing look.  Robert looked to his mom for guidance and support.  But she was too busy happily reading to notice.  

So Robert decided to try another method of distraction to keep his mind off of the searing pain the dentist was making him endure.  He glanced around the room, colorful posters sloppily plastered on the drab walls.
Robert grimaced, another sharp tool digging through his mouth.  That’s when he felt a prick.

Robert’s mom finally noticed Robert’s pain, and ran over to the chair.  

“Robert honey!  Let’s get out of here!”  She grabbed onto his arm, and pulled him through the hallways of the office faster than Santa’s reindeer can fly up onto the housetop.

Robert’s mom ran through the front doors and into the parking lot, Robert still at her side.  She jumped into her car, jammed the shiny gold key into the ignition, pressed her foot on the gas pedal, and drove away as quickly as she could.

Wow,” she angrily shot the words out of her mouth.  “We are NEVER going back to that dentist again!”  And Robert completely agreed.       


Prepositional Phrase: Over the rainbow

As soon as the elephants left the center ring, Henry leaned forward the see which circus act would come out next in this strangest circus he had ever seen.  So far there were bicycle riding bears, lions jumping into pools of flaming water, and seals who tossed bowling pins to one another, balanced on the tip of their noses.  

Henry leaned so far forward, he almost fell out of his seat when this first performer appeared... his biggest fear became realized.  It was the clown.  The silly creatures with painted faces, giant shoes and polka - dotted outfits were a treat to many young children.  Henry didn’t know what it was, but clowns made a shiver run down Henry’s spine.

A little red car drove onto the stage, and a plump clown hopped out, squeaking his horn.  The kids in the crowd shrieked with excitement, but Henry just moaned.  Slowly, more clowns starting coming out onto stage, each with their own special feature.  A tall clown with frizzy green hair had a tiny flower pinned onto his shirt, and would squirt water in his face every time he smelt it.  Intelligently, he kept smelling it, and the water kept squirting.   Another clown with a bright red nose rode around on a unicycle, falling off every few seconds.  

Henry felt so scared and sick, he ran out of his chair, to the bathroom, and threw up in the sink.
His palms and forehead were dripping sweat, and his face was a ghostly pale.  He wanted to stay in the bathroom until the show was over, but he knew his parents would worry if he didn’t bother to come back.

After a few minutes of debating weather or not he should go back to his seat, he decided he should.  After all, his parents had paid big money so he could see the biggest and most popular circus in the state of Vermont, that (only occurred every autumn) and he didn’t want that to go to waste.  

When he came back, the clowns had moved on to acting out sporting events.  During the racquetball game, a clown hit himself in the head with his own racquet and fainted.  The crowd was full of squeals of excitement and laughter.  Almost all of Henry was still frightened, but one one millionth of him wasn’t.  

The clowns were now going over the rainbow to another “world”.  When they got over, they acted all ecstatic to be there.  

“Proposturious Ronald!” cried one of the clowns when the one with the red nose tripped over a bush.  The bush burst up in flames,  and all the clowns screamed.  A large iguana fell from the sky and landed on a clown's nose, the clowns screaming even louder and sending the audience into one last fit of laughter.   

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