Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Noodles Argument

When choosing fast food restaurants, McDonald’s and Taco Bell are usually the first  that come to mind.  However, if you want to have some sort of a healthy nutritional meal and have a tasteful meal at the same time, you might want to lower your selection of restaurants.

Noodles is a restaurant that has healthy options as well as delicious ones!  If you are wanting to stay low calories, check out Noodles under 500 calorie menu. Allergen and nutrition guides are available, as well Gluten-free guides.  Watching fat or sodium?  Noodles has a special menu for people watching fat, sodium, and gluten so you can eat good food without all the extra fat.

Not only does Noodles offer special menus, there is also many different choices of vegetables and meats for sides. If you’re a vegetarian, or you have just decided to have veggies today, Noodles has a variety of fourteen different kinds of fresh vegetables.  Noodles always offers 100% freshest ingredients, 100% of the time.

The low calorie and vegetarian specials are a great part of eating at Noodles, but Noodles also gives you a multi-cultural experience without even leaving your table!  This restaurant features food from Asia, the Mediterranean, and even the USA.  Wisconsin Mac and Cheese and Buttered Noodles are an American dish, as for Penne Rosa would be European.

Noodles is a great choice when wanting to eat at a healthy, yet quick restaurant with excellent service.  I strongly believe when choosing a place to dine Noodles should be a main choice for all.